Song of the Rain


It’s been raining quite frequently of late and I’ve been enjoying every second of it. I can’t ever remember a time when I didn’t enjoy rainfall, never. I’ve always loved it for as long as I can remember even when it becomes overbearing and annoying (like during my stay in Calabar), I still love it. Whenever it rains, my mind has this way of opening up, like I see things with clarity, I think clearly and so many other things. Well, basically, it improves how I view the world (I doubt I’m making sense) but moving on, I love when it rains; it has a calming effect on my soul.

I love it when it pours
I love how it falls
I love how it smells
Its before and after smell

Where people bird watch, I do the alternative of rain watch. I find myself a nice cozy place to watch it fall. I remember the great pains it took me to pay attention in class whenever it did rain while having lectures. But for most of the time, I didn’t even try and let my mind wander with the rain and its cohort (breeze). It probably didn’t help that  I always sat beside a window or door (it made my escapes much easier, truth be told). I love the way the breeze made the rain to sway and part whenever it blew. Sometimes I wondered if there wasn’t more going on than I could see like they  were performing a mating dance or something; mayhaps a duet? It’s beautiful. I just have this joy in me when it’s raining, I can’t describe it but it’s undeniable. It has a soothing sound. Have you ever wondered why you sleep more sweetly when it rains? That’s the reason my friends.

In my more fancy moments, I imagine that the rain washes off society’s ills (yea, right). I see it as having the ability to wipe off the past, you know like a Salvation experience; it cleanses, rejuvenates and makes new. Have you ever noticed how bright and vibrant everything looks after a good downpour? That’s because it’s washed off all residue of pollution and makes not only the environment but the air cleaner and fresher (after a good downpour, take a deep breath and inhale all that goodness. You’d understand better).

God likened sending his word to rainfall; Isaiah 55:10-11

As the rain…come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish…so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

What does the rain do? In addition to all that I mentioned above, it also causes seed to germinate, it enables growth of new life, it fills up dry and thirsty patched soil and it waters. We all know how essential water is, it is said that one can survive without food but not without water (says research and talk).

Water is life. God’s word is life. I especially like that Scripture verse, it says a lot.

What a long epistle this has turned out to be *yawn*. Sorry not sorry, toodles. Off to sleep.

PS: if you can relive an activity/experience  that gave you a heady feeling, then that would come close to what I’m tryna describe. Emphasis on close. 😉

Photo Credit.

In The Name of Love


Love’s in the air.
On cupid’s wings it rides.
In our sleeping.
In our dreaming.
In our waking hours.
It hovers.
No thanks a little.
To St. Valentine’s mettle.

Yasssss😁, it’s that time again, that season, where we get to pull a fast one with the term ‘Love’ – and by ‘we’, I mean you cos I’m absolutely, completely, undeniably innocent of any wrong doing😜.

It’s Valentine’s Day and the ‘L’ word gets to have a comeback, to have its turn in the spotlight. It will be dragged out despite its protests of the timing not being right, bandied around, coerced, cajoled and even threatened – but it won’t go extinct I assure you.

Oh poor love, now I understand why you hover, you’re anxious. I am too because sadly, much atrocities will be done in your name. However, that doesn’t take away from the fact that you’re beautiful and worth celebrating. Feb 14th is much touted as lovers’ day – though I wonder, why not Nov 6th?- and vigorously celebrated but it shouldn’t end there, it ought transcend the limits of a day because it’s special.

Love is beyond been tucked away and preserved for specials occasions like that dress you’ve got hanging in your closet which you’ve never worn because that special occasion’s still to arrive. Every day’s a special occasion in case you don’t know or you’ve forgotten. But I digress, love ought to be an everyday act, a conscious effort on our parts. The sad thing however’s that it’ll be everywhere but where it ought to be, our hearts. For as much as we confess love, we also should try to show it, there’s a great divide between confession and expression. But what do I know?

Mopey Happy Valentine’s day ya’ll:mrgreen:.

Photo Credit: Picsymag

Out Loud: Memo to Self

The Universe says hi

I spend most of my time in my head occasionally venturing out to see what’s going on with the world and most times, I dislike what I see and hear – disaster upon disaster, it’s all bad news. So what’s a gal to do? Remain in in my head of course, indefinitely. Not that it’s pleasant all of the time, at least I’m the creator here, the one in charge. It’s when I’m in my head solutions are proffered; it’s all rosy in here.

On the flip side though, I am tempted to lose touch with reality, the world just  moves on without me leaving me to catch up while gasping for breath (for the few times I actually care to bother).

But hey girl, change. Change you must.

Photo Credit: Google

Less Judging, More Loving


Love, the most abused of the virtues, no doubt. Nonetheless, its effect’s strong. I used to be a judgmental someborri and it did me no good. Once I met you, I saw what I wanted to see,  put you in a well labelled box and place it somewhere, conveniently forgetting that we ain’t perfect (selective blindness) lol. Yeah, that was me until I met some one (two someones actually) who challenged me, literally. It was a challenge loving these ladies cos I had drawn my conclusions  as usual (without getting to know them). We’re good friends till tomorrow but in the beginning, it wasn’t so. I was forced to see the errors of my way. Turning to God, I realised that He expects us to love everyone unconditionally, EVERYONE!!! Whew, that was going to be hard I thought.

When Jesus said, love your neighbor as yourself I bet you he wasn’t talking about your next door neighbor or friends or family or colleagues (you know, love them that love you, persons we’re on friendly terms with et al), uh uh. Look beyond your immediate environment, everyone on Earth’s surface is your neighbor; the beggar in Austria’s as much your neighbor as the one living down your Street.

Every person no matter how fundamentally different they may be from you is your neighbor, but I digress, back to my story. When I gained an understanding of what this was about, my perception changed. Mind, it wasn’t an overnight change, I still caught myself in the stereotyping and labelling act one too many times but in the end, that verse was my motivator. It kept digging into me and that was when I decided to practice it on this dear friends of mine.

With prayers in my heart, I actively sought ways I could love them regardless of whatever and what happened next was incredible. What did happen? Your guess’ as good as mine. Everything changed. In one, I discovered a broken girl who had managed to turn her life around and live it on her terms, I saw a resilient spirit in another, a real go getter. Christ-like loving made all the difference and made open a vast door of possibilities.

Were I to have shut them out of my life based on perceived flaws, (tell me who has no flaws abeg?) that would’ve been my loss. I’d have missed out on a beautiful friendship. I’m still amazed by their depths. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened were the two spies to have spurned Rahab’s hospitality based on her reputation? I can just imagine the conversation that might have ensued between them when she beckoned on them.

Spy 1: “I think that lady’s calling us”.
Spy 2: “Lady ke? Can’t you see her attire? No answer her o, she’s bad news.” And then they’ll turn away, right into the waiting arms of their captors. But thank God they didn’t reason that way else the story you and I know might have turned out differently.

So, what’s my point with the illustration? Simple, stop the business of judging people, there’s no profit in it. It’s not easy loving the few persons we call neighbors, how much more a total stranger but the One who calls us to love wouldn’t have bothered were it impossible. We are called to love.

Love, love, love. No one said it’d be easy, but it’s possible. What helped me was prayers, oh yes, that. When I find it challenging loving someone, I engage prayers – pray about the person and for the person, grace to love the person and all. It works. Again, I say love and  I pray that love will rule our hearts and minds and actions. And where you feel you’ve missed it, turn back to God. He’s always got time for you.


A Convoluted Tale

I once came across a meme with the inscription “Introverts unite…Separately”. I found it really hilarious cos its so true. I couldn’t keep the mirth to myself so I shared it with a friend and we had a good laugh over it albeit, separately 😂.

Personally, my reserved nature’s often mistaken for snobbery. I’ve been accused of being a snob, rude, cold and unfriendly one time too many. In the beginning, I actively tried to go over and beyond how I’d usually interact with persons in order to soothe ruffled feathers; over the top gestures, strained smiles, exaggerated laughter, the works but who suffered for it in the end, moi. So I stopped because it felt wrong and it came out wrong. I was already in the school of not-being-yourself without even knowing when I enrolled.

Now, I’m all about authenticity. You meet who you meet and if you don’t like who you meet, well now you have a problem dontcha?:-D

On a more serious note however, time reveals all things, so give it time, you’d definitely get to see who the person is and what s/he’s all about after all, truth can not very long be hidden can it now? And if there be no time to peel the layers, well then, your loss, our gain loss. I’ll end with this:

Talk with those who remind you that it is okay to be you and it is more than acceptable to not always (or never) like the same things that everyone else appears to…We should never be miserable to be liked, to fit in, to please other people or to prove to ourselves or others that we are not weird or reclusive. We have to live with ourselves; therefore, we are the ones who know what makes us content and what satisfies our soul.

Should in case you didn’t get the gist, read the title again;).


Fair Weather Friends


Like the tide
Come and go
Ne’er do they abide

Over hearts
And minds
They swell
But do not dwell

Tarry long
I pray thee
But they pay no mind
Looking on to the next wind

Plotting the next thrill
Compasses leaning over keel
Heart and hearth have they none
Neither kith, nor kin

O’er sea and desert
They set sail
Like nomads
They traverse

Through Dust and tears
Below starry skies
A new victim they seek
Upon whom to leech


Can I but have one wish

I’d wish to return to my mother’s womb

Can I but have one request

I’d desire to be left alone

Can I but throw one tantrum

I’d bawl at the world

But would it change anything?

Can I but have one chance

I’d hand it over to the one that holds life

Can I but have one emotion

Let it be love

Though it may hurt

Can I but make one change

I’d start with myself

Can I but have one friend

I’d choose you

Ten times over

I’d still choose you

The 2nd Coming

Turning and turning in the widening gyre.
The falcon cannot (see) hear the falconer.
Things fall apart the centre cannot hold.
My love for the written word (well composed) has no bounds. I’m especially partial to poetry. The above excerpt is from W.B Yeats’ poem, The Second coming. These words, from the first day I heard them in my SS3 (High school) kept me enthralled. Ponder on it.
Here’s to the new year, I hope we’re all ready for 2016.


Can you just give me a moment to rave about this poem? Thank you. I can’t exactly recall how and when I first came across this write up but I think it was as a friend’s dp; framed and all and as usual with me, when I stumble upon something interesting, I research into it-yes, ‘cos I’m cool like that🙌

Anyways, this made me know Max Erhmann and I’ve been stuck with his poem in my head ever since. It’s so stirring that I couldnt help but share it. Desiderata’s Latin for “desired things”. Find transcript below:

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be.

And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann, “Desiderata“.[1]

If we all could embrace the tenets mentioned above, I’m certain that the world would be a better place for us and for our progeny. What are your thoughts?


Too soon a Sunset

The sun sets

But too soon I fear

Life barely has begun

Have we finished dancing?

To the scintillating tunes of the piper?

Weep not mother

Your child only sleeps

The sun has set

Over child

Over city

Over town and village

Over old and young

Free man and bond slave

The sun set too soon

It set for papa

None too soon

Will the dead rise again?

Will they go on to live large

In the great beyond?

The sun set too soon

For you my dear friend

Your building stands unroofed

The grass claim residence

On land toiled hard by you

Soaked with your sweat

And now blood

Ravens build their nest

And roost their young

Climbers grow boldly

Your once beautiful home

Fit only for royalty

Laid to waste

Walls crumble

Like unsupported breasts they crumple

Your palace lies in ruin

Wasted but not forgotten

Washed out colour

Cling tenaciously to bedraggled gray

The sun set too soon

My work lies unfinished

The masterpiece’s hardly started

Yet the sun sets